The academy is wrapping up. I only have about a week and a half before graduation on Oct 19th. So its been harder to get posts written here.
A little while back a women was beaten and robbed right across from our apartment. It was about 5:30 a.m. when I heard a man screaming for help and to call 911. Not quite sure what I was thinking but i went running outside to see if I could help. Outside I discovered a women with half her face smashed in with blood everywhere. Her eyes where swollen shut and her face was already swollen and hard to recognize any features. She was choking on her own blood and her boyfriend was freaking out.
Thats when I noticed his gun on the sidewalk. I asked him who it belonged to. He said he has a permit for it and grabbed it when he heard his girlsfriend screaming. I told the women to roll on her side and spit out the blood as it filled her mouth or she would have a hard time breathing and would eventually throw up. There was another women their on the the phone with dispatch and I heard her say she could see a gun at the scene.
I started asking her if she could feel her hands and feet and see if she could move them. I couldn't compare pupil size to check for head trauma because one was totally swollen shut but by the looks of her I had no doubt of a concusion. She didn't know what happened or how she got there, what day or time it was and she even had to think for a while to tell me what her name was. She was in pretty bad condition.
Then I told the boyfriend I would watch her and told him he should go put the gun away. He started to object but I showed my badge as an off duty officer and when the police got there if he didn't get it put away they would first suspect him of beating or shooting her. He ran back into his apartment and put it away and was coming back out as the first officer arrived.
The first question he asked her is where had she been shot. (Told ya boyfriend dude!) They had origionally been dispatched to a shooting because of what the lady on the phone had told them. Once I explained what I knew from first arriving he took over the scene and medical took the lady to the hospital.
They think what happened was she was on her way to work. When she got outside a person hit her in the face with a bat or metal pipe, pulled her into the bushes and took her purse. Who ever did it knew her routine and that she would be there at 530 in the morning and is most likely a resident of the apartment complex.
It made channel 5 news. If you cut and paste the link you can see the report. I'm the skin head looking guy in a black jacket and the blonde lady is the one who called 911 and freaked out over the gun.
Favorite Songs of the Decade: Top 25
5 years ago
1 comment:
The link doesn't seem to work for me. It might for you. No big deal. My blog gives more info on it then the news report.
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