I've started my first week. I'm with he K-9 unit for the first two weeks of my FTO (Field Training Operation). Its been pretty fun.
I can't give too much detail in case any of these go to trial so I'm being brief on purpose.
My shift is from 3:00 pm to 1:00 am. This shift it particularly busy because that's when everyone gets home from work. A bunch of car accidents and people coming home and drinking getting pissed at everyone, or finding out there apartment was robbed while at work at the local fast food place, etc.
My first call we went to was a car accident. A lady had some sort of medical problem and passed out at the wheel. She ended up rear ending a lady, plowing through an intersection hitting the traffic light pole, then continuing through a yard and ran into a tree. Pretty intense for the first thing. Medical came and grabbed her while we got a tow truck to get rid of the car (busted front axle, not drivable).
The rest of the evening was going to burglar alarms and domestic violence calls where parents were fighting with kids, etc.
Last night was pretty busy too. There was a guy so drunk he couldn't continue walking down the street. When we pulled up to talk to him he was sitting down, but was wobbling even while sitting. He was only a couple of houses away from his moms house which is where he was going but just decided to stop and rest for a little bit. Pretty funny to hear him slurring his words and stuff. He was pretty out of it.
Another call was a Domestic Violence (DV). A lady had gotten angry at another guy for an unknown reason and hit him in the head with a brick. Blood was everywhere. Weird though because he didn't want to press charges.
Another call was an aggravated assault. A roommate wanted rent to be paid, but the other not having money threatened him with a knife and said he would kill him. Guy ran for his life and called us. We showed up and had a description of the guy we where looking for. He answered the door but said his name was different. He invited us in to see if we could find the guy we where looking for. Took forever to answer the door. Turns out he didn't have ID. In Spanish I heard him tells the other guys in the house to call him a different name. I played stupid to the fact I understood them and continued to listen to their story. Eventually we found his wallet and I translated what I knew to the other officers. Arrested him for a ton of stuff. False info to police, agg. assault/DV, found drug paraphernalia etc. That one was pretty fun.
I'm slowly catching on to everything. Its amazing how much stuff there is to learn that the academy didn't show us or teach us. I'm just nervous during this first few weeks. I started with 10 guys in my group hen I first got hired and only 6 are left. Guys keep telling me to be careful because they don't hesitate to fire someone during the FTO program if they aren't cutting it.
Hope all goes well.
Favorite Songs of the Decade: Top 25
5 years ago
1 comment:
When I did the police report stuff for the Standard Examiner I noticed a ton of the calls were for domestic violence. I would say perhaps a majority.
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