I enjoyed my time in Ogden and probably would have stayed there had circumstances been different. However, I feel this is an opportunity I can not pass up on right now.
So...my blog web address has OPD in the title. This will obviously have to change. I will shortly be making a different blog address so stay posted to find out what it is. (Unless someone knows how to change it with people being directed to the right location if they type in the old address. If so...instructions in comment section please.)
So I haven't been out to your blog for awhile, because I used to check all the time and you were not posting things. I'm glad you've started again as I think it helps you "reflect." I like the "new look" and the music. Reminds me of when you were home chilling in your room. Life is different now and I worry about you, but mostly I'm just really proud of you.
I keep meaning to ask, do you happen to know a Danny, or Daniel Driggs (I don't know which he goes by at work) He works with the OPD. That'll be really nice for you to work closer to home. Gas is a killer on the wallet.
The name sounds familiar but I've never met anyone by that name. I must have heard it in conversation though.
Do you still keep in contact with Casage. I haven't spoke to him since since I was in Utah last.
Yup...still do. I either text or call every couple of months or so. Guess who else works at Bukoos now?....Dan Ripple...wasn't sure if you heard. Everyone is making the turn through there it seems. lol
HA.....HAHAHA.....I'm just glad that I took my turn early, FIVE years ago. Let's hear it for BOO!-kus. Tell those two to get a blog so that we all can stay in touch whilst I'm in Iraq.
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