Time is going by really fast. I can't believe a month has gone by already.
In the academy there are two blocks or sections of classes one is the Special Functions Officer (SFO) which is what I'm in and the second half is Law Enforcement Officer (LEO). I only have one more week of SFO then the week after is test week. We get tested on all the class room crap we've been going over which is a bunch of case law. Some was interesting some was boring. We also get tested on all our Defensive Tactics (DT) that we've learned to date. Then we get tested on our Physical Training (PT).
The PT has been kicking my butt but I'll be ready for it. The classroom stuff isn't too hard to remember. We have been taking weekly quizes on all the past material covered and I've been averaging 94.6% on all of them. Although yesterday I did get my first 100% test! It was on CPR and First Aid. Go me!
Once SFO is over with is when the real fun starts with the LEO block. Thats when we start our gun training and driving cars and more of the hands on practice "in the field." Everyone is looking forward to it. We can wear our belt and equipment etc.
So far so good
Yates 10-42
Favorite Songs of the Decade: Top 25
5 years ago
Have you met that guy who was off-duty down at Trolly Square when the shooting happened?
Not yet. However, once on the road I'm sure I will. Officer Hammond works patrol which is right where I'm going just as soon as I graduate. So far the only thing I've seen of him is his picture on the wall along with all the rest of the patrol officers.
However, I have met the three SWAT officers responsible for killing the Trolley Square shooter. They told me all about it blow for blow. They're pretty intense guys. Showed me tons of pictures that the press didn't get to see or have. Some of them I wish I hadn't seen. Great bunch of guys.
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