Last night the city of Ogden blew up with crime. And on a Thursday too...don't they know to wait until the weekend.
The day first started with our PT test. We had to do the bench press, push ups, sit ups, vertical jump, and 1 1/2 mile run. Passed everything no problem. Did the mile and a half in 11:58. However, afterwards many people were sore and wobbly on there legs.
Just in time for one vehicle pursuit, 5 foot pursuits, and one armed robbery. They all happened within a couple hours of each other too.
Just leaving the station (I was driving) I was at the light of 22nd and Washington. While waiting a call on the radio said he was in pursuit of a wanted felon heading south on Washington approaching 21st street. Right place at the right time. Pulled forward to clear the intersection then took over the number two car position. Good thing my FTO was in the car with me. Its the job of the 2nd car to radio the direction of the pursuit so the lead car can focus on driving. So my FTO called the radio moves for my while I drove. Pursued for about a minute or so when he drove into a driveway and bailed on foot. We chased him into his apartment building. We secured a perimeter around the building and called for a K9 unit. He refused to come out so the k9 unit went in after him biting him repeatedly in the stomach. Once the k9 was released so officers could go hands on to arrest him he kicked one of them in the balls. Due to his struggle while arresting and assault on an officer he was then tasered for a 5 second ride on the white lighting. It was awesome! We finally got him in cuffs.
He was running because he had 15 felony warrants out for his arrest. We think he swallowed drugs while running because his heart rate was over 180 beats per minute so we rushed him to the hospital. Some thought he might die in custody but luckily the hospital did their magic and kept him alive.
And that was just the first thing of the night! I assisted in 5 other foot pursuits! For some reason everyone decided to run from police last night. It was crazy. We caught all 5 people though. It was so busy with priority calls I didn't write a single speeding ticket (still on traffic).
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5 years ago